Get in Touch!
Too get in touch with us here at LADAL, you can simply write an email to, reach out to us on Twitter (@slcladal), send us a message on Facebook (see our Facebook page or you can sign up to the LADAL email list. To subscribe to our email list, simply write an email to with the subject email list.
Becoming a contributor
You have an idea for a tutorial and would like us to integrate it into LADAL? No worries! You can simply download this skeleton Rmd and write your own LADAL tutorial. You can then send us the Rmd file (with any additional files we need to knit the document) and we will then check it. Once your tutorial has been approved, it will be published as a proper LADAL tutorial.
Reporting and fixing errors
You have found a mistake or an error in one of our tutorials? No worries! You can report the error or even fix it yourself without much hustle! Depending on how tech savvy you are and how much time or willingness to contribute you have, there are different options for point out out errors or even correcting them. Below you find descriptions of how you can report and fix bugs on the LADAL pages.
Reporting errors via Email
If you simply want to report an error, you can contact the LADAL team via or you can contact Martin via
It may take some time until we manage to check and fix the bug, but we try to be as swift as possible and we will get to it eventually.
Fixing bugs directly on GitHub
An even better option than reporting an error is to fix the bug via GitHub. That way, we receive an email that someone found an error and has submitted a fix which we can then review and accept (or decline). Below is a detailed description of how exactly you can do that.
To be able to correct errors via GitHub, you need a GitHub account (you can register and sign in here). We will create a tutorial in which we show you how to do this - in the mean time, we have to rely on your skills to try and find out how to do this yourself.
Services {-} LADAL offers services to members of the School of Languages and Cultures of UQ as well as to external partners or customers including institutions, businesses, teams, or individual researchers and the public. These services include:
Access to resources
Workshops and training
If you are interested or would like to learn more, please contact the LADAL team via
Webinars | Workshops
LADAL offers workshops on topics related to Language Technology, Language Data Science. See here for current and past workshops and here for this year’s webinars of LADAL and its partner institutions as well as here for past webinars that took place in 2021.