This page lists the tools provided by LADAL. To access a tool, simply click on the Binder badge or on the linked name of the tool, and the tool (an interactive Jupyter notebook) will launch, allowing you to perform the task.


Tool Content Launch Tool
Concordancing Tool Allows users to create Keyword-in-Context displays of words or phrases in a single text or collection of texts and to download the resulting table. Binder
Collocation Tool Tool that calculates various association measures (collocation statistics) based on textual input and allows users to download the resulting table. Binder
Keyword Tool Tool that calculates various keyness measures based on textual input and allows users to download the resulting table. Binder
Pos-tagging Tool Tools that allows users to add part-of-speech tags to texts or collections of texts in more than 60 languages and allows users to download the resulting pos-tagged texts. Binder
Corpus-cleaning Tool Tool that allows users to remove and replace words, tags, and other elements from the text data that you upload (of course you can then download the cleaned texts too). Binder
Network-Analysis Tool Tool that allows users to generate and download network graphs based on their own data. Binder
Topic-Model Tool Tool that allows users to generate their own custom topic models using unsupervised and supervised LDA and download the results in an MS Excel spreadsheet. Binder
Sentiment-Analysis Tool Tool that allows users to perform a sentiment analysis and download the results in an MS Excel spreadsheet. Binder

Reporting Errors

If something’s amiss or if a tool isn’t cooperating, don’t hesitate to contact Martin at . We’ll do our best to investigate and resolve the issue as quickly as we can. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

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